Discovery Bot
An accessibility application for the messaging website 'Discord' that utilizes the Google Cloud Vision API to recognize an image and creates alternative text and transcriptions.

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A facial recognition application developed for both web and mobile devices - URCode scans your face and turns it into your very own passcode for creating and storing private notes.

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Shuttle Trouble
A 2D Role-Playing Game developed in Unity Game Engine. The game was created for the Playcrafting + Microsoft Global Game Jam 2020 over the course of 48-hours with three friends.

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Search And Report Application
Called "SARA" for short - developed a custom search engine using React and Node.js that crawls webpages and scrapes relevent data for web searches.

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Airline Reservation System
Developed in Java - created a Reservation System with both customer and administrator views. Airline administators can create and edit flights while customers can search, view, and book airlines.

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The site you're on right now! Developed with the Next.js React framework that hosts a variety of features, including a custom-made blog using SlateJs text editor and MongoDB. Constantly updating the site and learning new tools... thanks for looking!

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